Region | Delivery | Rate |
NZ (Express) | 1-2 business days | $6.90 or free on orders over $130 |
NZ (Rural Express) | 1-3 business days | $9.90 or free on orders over $130 |
Australia | 3-7 business days | $9 or free on orders over $130 |
USA & Rest of World | 3-10 business days | $39 (NZD) |
You’ll receive a confirmation email once your order is placed, and another email with your tracking number when your order is on its way.
We understand that shopping online can sometimes mean the item might not fit as expected or you might not love it as much as you hoped. Your satisfaction is our top priority. If you need to make a return, we’ll provide you with store credit. Learn more about our return policy here.